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Thoughts & Inspiration

“Love everyone always” is a saying that I have been known for with my friends and family. I started saying this to spread happiness and it just stuck! I have never really talked about what this phrase means to me, so I am going to try my best in putting it into words.

I believe in loving everyone always because we are not put on this Earth to judge others. Everyone you pass on the sidewalk or see everyday is going through something unique to them. The society we live in has kind of taught us to live in our bubble and be a little bit selfish when we are going through a hard time. I know I am guilty of that. “Love everyone always” to me, means love everyone on their bad days and their good days because sometimes we all are in a valley or in a rough season of life and need extra love. And I love celebrating happiness and milestones too!

One way I think about it is while driving. You see someone driving very close to you and sometimes that make trigger some anger, but we have no idea what that person is on the way to. Maybe they have a sick relative in the hospital or their wife is going into labor. Coming from a place of understanding and love is always important as Christians and as good people. Love like the Lord would in every aspect.

My friends and family have been such an amazing support system with “love everyone always” and I have seen SO many of them implement into their lives. Just a couple of weeks ago, some of my pals and I got it tattooed onto us and some of my mentors have the saying hanging in their offices. How amazing is that?! I see strangers wearing my first fundraiser shirt that I designed and sold with the saying on it and I see some of my best friends wearing it. I always feel giddy every time I see it! 

With that being said, due to a high demand I am doing another shirt fundraiser with “love everyone always” on it!! I changed the color to the maroon with cream and gray writing and it is a hoodie this time to fit the season. The hoodies will be $35 (2X+ will be $2 more) and there will be a shipping option if you are not local. You can Venmo me at:  Kellie-Schlangen or give me cash! 

I am SO excited for this and I am blown away with the response to these shirts and “love everyone always”! If you would like to be a part of this movement, order your hoodie now!! 


The hoodie I am selling!


Here are some photos of people loving everyone always!!


Lauren, the one in the green, made everyone in the office signs that say Love Everyone Always as a parting gift.



Some of my friends wearing their shirts from my last fundraiser!



Four of us got the saying tattooed in one of our dear friends handwriting!