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Thoughts & Inspiration

I made it to Nicaragua on Tuesday January 13th at 1:30 am and arrived at my ministry around 5:30 am. My team and I are currently in Palacagüina working with a local church ran by Pastor David, we are creating space for church expansion and a children’s school. It’s been such a pleasure meeting the locals and living life with them.


Through this time with very limited contact with anyone at home or social media, I have had such a sweet time with the Lord. I am not going to lie, the first few days this lifestyle seems so natural, and it still does. But that doesn’t mean I’m not getting stretched each day. I am pushing myself in different ways alongside my teammates. His lifestyle make a more natural some days than others (as I type this I am standing on top of a picnic table being surrounded by chickens) regardless, we are all doing the Lord’s work and He throws in some fun new experiences. 


It’s officially been a week of living here in Nicaragua and we have roughly 2 1/2 weeks left working alongside these people. This lifestyle of constantly moving is going to be a stretch, but that’s why I am doing it! I am eager to see what’s next and learning to live right here in this moment. One way I want to grow this year is to see how the Lord shows up in everyday life, because nothing happens by accident. He gives us little joys in every moment or learning opportunities. For example, the other day at ministry a few of us were feeling under the weather but still giving it our all and the host ended up letting us go home early because they had to wait on extra supplies, how nice of our Father to allow us to have a rest day?! I encourage you to join me on this journey in looking for the ways God shows up in your life. We are all doing kingdom work. 


Overall, the locals are amazing and it’s so funny how God works because we don’t speak the same language, but we joke around together, laugh, learn from each other and work alongside each other, it’s really amazing. The food is always delicious and I drink black coffee now because it’s sooooo good here (this is for you, Logan. I know you’re proud.  Haha). It’s been an amazing experience seeing the Lord show up this week. 


**prayer requests – Fundraising!! I have very little access to WiFi this month so I am unable to get the word out as much as I would like. I need your help sharing my blog and encouraging people to join us on this journey! Also pray for transitions in lifestyles, I am learning to slow down and live life like the locals. 


Thank you, thank you, thank you!! It’s crazy that I have been on the race for a week!! It’s really here!

3 responses to “I’m in Nicaragua!”

  1. Dear Father, thank you for Kellie and the heart You have given her to desire to see You in every detail of life. I ask that she finds more and more joy and peace as You draw her deeper into trusting in You to provide for all her every need (Matt 6:25). I thank you that You promise us, that if we seek we will find. Thank you that You want to be seen by us and that You see us. Draw Kellie deeper into the wilds of Your love. In Jesus Name – AMEN!

  2. Kellie, thank you for your update. Sounds like you all are doing pretty well and doing the work that is needed. Continued prayers for you all for good health and opportunities to be Jesus. Take care,